From Skills to Science

In science, there is always something new to be learned and explored. This fact makes it easy for someone like myself to learn and become certified in new skills. I am an Adjunct Professor at Pasadena City College and have taught three exciting Health Science courses for our students at La Salle. This semester, we introduced a new course, Human Disease, to add to our offerings of Medical Terminology and Introduction to Health Sciences. Last year, I became certified as an American Red Cross Instructor for basic life support skills; the next step is to get certified in teaching and certifying students for advanced life support.
Another area of growth I seek to address is my understanding of computer coding. Many projects in our prosthesis design end that use robotics require coding knowledge. I took a coding course in college, but my skills are incredibly rusty. I hope to enroll in an online coding course to help me improve my coding skills. Another area of technological growth I will be pursuing is becoming more advanced in my virtual reality scenario skills. We have some great scenarios for students already in place; however, adding more personalization to the skills and objectives would greatly benefit the learning experience. On that same note, I would like to bring augmented reality to our program. Virtual reality is great; however, augmented reality offers students more of an immersive experience. This summer, we toured Kaiser Permanente’s School of Medicine and saw all of their innovative equipment and learning tools. They had a neat augmented reality program that was far more detailed and life-like than our virtual reality. Although transitioning to augmented reality will come with a hefty price tag, the investment is well worth it.
All in all, this list is nothing but a glimpse of what I hope to accomplish this coming year. Learning new skills and bringing innovative equipment and experiences to the CARLOW Center is what I strive for continuously. My intellectual growth translates into the intellectual growth of our students. I will forever be a student of science and technology!
By: Elizabeth Parga M.S. Chemistry
La Salle College Preparatory was founded in 1956. Today, we are the only truly diverse and co-educational Catholic high school in Pasadena.