Religious Education

At La Salle it is fundamental to our mission to develop individuals motivated to achieve their goals in the future.

We approach student development with a structured Religious Program carefully planned over a student's four years at La Salle.

9th Grade

This course will give students an understanding of the basics of the Catholic faith as well as enable them to explore and appreciate the meaning of the Catholic faith at a personal level. During this course, the students will also study the life and heritage of St. John Baptist de La Salle, founder of the Brothers of the Christian Schools, with a particular emphasis on the examination and integration of the Five Core Principles of a Lasallian School, as well as other important elements of a Lasallian education.

Religious Education

  • Scripture

10th Grade

In a student's 10th grade year, the focus moves on from addressing the foundational elements of the Lasallian community to studying the fundamental sources of Christianity--the Old and New Testaments.

With an overall focus on the developing relationship between God and humanity according to the Judeo-Christian tradition, students will study founding principles in the Old Testament during their first semester and move on to study the fulfillment of the Messianic tradition through the New Testament during the second semester.

Religious Education

  • New Testament
  • Old Testament

11th Grade

Our religious education reinforces this transition to adulthood with coursework on the moral laws established throughout all religious and philosophical traditions of the world. In the first half of the year students engage moral dilemmas and social justice injustices present in every day society, applying Social Justice teachings from Christianity to their discussions. In the second semester, expanding on basic introductions to non-Christian traditions, students learn about a variety of world religions and the cultures in which they were founded, reflecting especially on the ecumenical goals of the Catholic Church espoused during the Second Vatican Council.

Religious Education

  • Morality and Justice
  • World Religions

12th Grade

To end their years at La Salle our students, mentors and teachers focus on developing the skills they need to enter the world as independent adults.

In a student's final year our religious education is centered on our Lasallian core principles by working in the community in service to others. The two final courses in this department are all about helping students understand their own unique spiritual journey through peer & community collaboration and personal reflection.

Religious Education

  • Christian Life & Service
  • Vocation & Mission


La Salle College Preparatory was founded in 1956. Today, we are the only truly diverse and co-educational Catholic high school in Pasadena.