Student & Class Councils

Student Leadership at La Salle: Student Life nurtures students’ talents through leadership roles in such areas as student life councils, class councils, club officers, retreat leaders, rally planners, liturgical ministers, and much more. Let’s meet the team and learn what they do.

Student Life Council

Student Life Council

The Student Life Council at La Salle College Preparatory is made up of juniors and seniors who are either elected or appointed to office. The Student Life Council seeks to build an inclusive community and create a sense of belonging by all students through planning and implementing a variety of events throughout the school year that include lunchtime activities, service projects, rallies, dances, liturgies. We are responsible for annual school-wide events including Homecoming, Christmas Tree Sale, Adopt-a-Family, Snowball, Catholic Schools’ Week, Riley’s Race 4 Change, The Showdown and so much more. Because of the amount of work that the Student Life Council does, all members l must enroll in the Leadership class.

Student Life President

Anthony Gibbs '25

The Student Life President serves as the voice of the student body. He works directly with the Director of Student Life to help plan and implement events for the student body.

Activities Team

The Activities team seeks to create fun and engaging activities during lunchtime. Whether it is crazy minute-win-it type games in the amphitheater or a dodge ball tournament in the gym. It is a fun way to break up the school day.

Communications Team

The Communications Team livens up the school by promoting school events on social media, bulletin boards, daily announcements, and more.

Rallies Team

The Rallies team creates spirited rallies to celebrate the accomplishment of our athletic, academic, and performing arts team as well as create a sense of school spirit among our student body.

Service Team

The Service Team creates and promotes regularly scheduled opportunities for service that the La Salle community can participate in throughout the year.

Spirit Team

The Role of the Spirit team is to create a sense of community where every student feels included and a sense of belonging at La Salle. They do this through a variety of activities that reach out to the individual as well as groups and teams.

Spiritual Life Team

The Spiritual Life team helps prepare dynamic liturgies and other opportunities for prayer and faith sharing for the La Salle community.

Sustainability Team

The Sustainability team is a new team on the Student Life Council Their role is to help the La Salle community promote a more earth-friendly culture at school through education, as well as programs of reducing, reusing, and recycling.

Class Councils

The role of the class council is to promote an inclusive community among their classmates. They seek to ensure that each member of the class is included and has a sense of belonging to the class. They do this by planning and implementing events for their classmates, as well as supporting each person throughout the year, through birthday cards and other celebrations. Class councils are responsible for planning the Welcome Back and Homecoming Dance. A significant part of each class council is to raise funds to lower the cost of their senior prom. Of course, each class council is responsible for organizing and leading their class in the annual Showdown among other fun events. Class councils often work with the Student Life Council on different events including, Homecoming, Catholic Schools’ Week, Riley’s Race 4 Change, The Showdown, and many other events.

  • Senior Class Council

  • Junior Class Council

  • Sophomore Class Council

  • Freshman Class Council


La Salle College Preparatory was founded in 1956. Today, we are the only truly diverse and co-educational Catholic high school in Pasadena.