September 27, 2021

60 Seconds of Service

60 seconds of service sure doesn’t sound like much, but because of 100 students and staff members willing to donate 60 seconds of time one-two times a month La Salle is able to make 100 sack lunches that are given to Union Station. These sack lunches are distributed to those in need of a meal. This project is usually completed in 15 minutes or less.

La Salle has been doing this service project for the past 7 years. On the morning of the project, the service commissioners gather and make the sandwiches. At lunchtime, as students enter into the Dining Hall for lunch, they are gently asked by the commissioners, “Can you give 60 seconds to make a sack lunch for someone in need?” Volunteers then fill a lunch bag with a sandwich, chips, granola bar, fruit and a water bottle.

What I really appreciate about this service project is that it was suggested by alum Robert McAlister ‘14 who reached out to me in the fall of his freshman year at Villanova telling me about a great service idea that he encountered while walking across the quad at school. He said, “Someone yelled at him while waving a lunch bag in her hand, ‘Hey, can you spare 60 seconds to do a little service?’” As soon as he shared it with me, I knew this was something that we could do at La Salle, and we have been doing it consistently since that phone call. Thank you Robbie.

This is such a simple project that can go a long way. Maybe your family can organize something similar, or something you and your co-workers could do together.

Ed O'Connor
Director of Student Life


La Salle College Preparatory was founded in 1956. Today, we are the only truly diverse and co-educational Catholic high school in Pasadena.